Room Share at Hilton Garden Inn? posted by Janelle Banack at 08:51 on Thursday, September 05, 2024   

Would any ladies be interested in a room share the Hilton Garden Inn? It`s a 3 minute walk from the convention center. 4 nights from the 24-28th is currently $479, so would be split 3 or 4 ways depending on how many commit.
Text me at 4035549949 or email and we can discuss more and see if it would be a good match. Would be great to cut costs and would like to make some friends.

I`m a mom of 3 (ages 3, 5, and 7) coming from Houston, Texas. I just moved to Texas from Canada and this is my first Wise Traditions conference. I`m really excited for a nourishing weekend!

  Re: Room Share at Hilton Garden Inn? posted by Janine Stockin at 14:14 on Saturday, September 07, 2024   

Hi Janelle,
I am from Saratoga NY, a gardener, an Artist, many hobbies & love natural living. volunteering at the conference, hoping to see some old friends, its awesome that you`re able to attend !
arrive on thurs.10/24 1030 ,leave 10/28 mon.evening $100, budget..
feel free to call or email.